About Us

The Atelier Blog is a blog that celebrates the fusion of fashion, style, and creativity. It offers a fresh take on fashion design, innovative styling tips, and easy-to-follow crafts. The blog also shares beauty tips to help readers stay chic and confident.

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We always love to hear from our readers. For any feedback, advertising opportunities or press inquiries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via email at hello@theatelierblog.com or using the contact form here.

If you prefer to give us a call or send a traditional letter, our address is 18 Somesului Street, Sibiu, 550003, Romania, and our phone number is +40 745 999 805.


The Atelier Blog is operated by OMG SRL, a limited liability company registered in Romania.

Trusted by more than 15 million people every year to make informed decisions and find inspiration. OMG’s other brands include Luxatic, HomeDSGN, Watches You Can Afford, Invest Some Money, The Pet Savvy and more.